Benefits Hero

Benefits for
Patients & practice

Thank you for working to implement a successful CCM program into your practice. CCM is a critical component of primary care that contributes to better health and care for individuals. CMS data shows that two-thirds of people on Medicare have two or more chronic conditions, which means many of your patients will benefit from a CCM program. CCM will help you deliver the coordinated care your patients need and deserve.

Patient Benefits

Dedicated Professionals

Your patients will gain a team of dedicated health care professionals who can help them plan for better health and stay on track. Services such as monthly check-ins and ready access to their care team improves their care coordination, including improved communication and management of care transitions, referrals, and follow-ups.

Comprehensive Care Plan

Patients will receive a comprehensive care plan. The plan will help support their disease control and health management goals, including physical, mental, cognitive, psychosocial, functional, and environmental factors. Patients may be encouraged to keep track of referrals, community support, and educational information.


Encouraging patients to use CCM will give them the support they need between visits. Keeping in touch regularly may help patients think about their health more and engage in their treatment plan (i.e. taking their medications and other self-management tasks)

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Practice Benefits

Improve Care Coordination

Chronic care management can help improve care coordination and health outcomes, and now you will receive payment specifically in support of your provision of care. Encouraging patients to use CCM services will give them the support they need between visits to your office.

Patient Compliance

Support patient compliance and help patients feel more connected. Some health care professionals say CCM services may help their efficiency, improve patient satisfaction and compliance, and decrease hospitalization and emergency department visits

Grow Your Practice

Sustain and grow your practice. Ongoing care management has not always been separately recognized, making it difficult for practices to sustain. Appropriate billing for CCM services will help sustain the ongoing work. Offering CCM may provide you with additional resources to help your practice care for more patients in need.

If you have any Questions,
Please Contact Us